
Engine-Components1408 Products

$ 25.00
Brand/Manufacturer:   Yamaha OEMMFG Part Number:   N/AMaterial:    OEMDimensions:    OEMCondition Description:    Good Used Part, NO Major Damage, Cracks, or Breaks. Chain is in good condition, no kinks. Normal wear and Tear visable on Guides. Condition Scale (1-10):    8.5
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$ 25.00
Brand/Manufacturer:   Yamaha OEMMFG Part Number:   N/AMaterial:    OEMDimensions:    OEMCondition Description:    Good Used Part, NO Major Damage, Cracks, or Breaks. Chain is in good condition, no kinks. Normal wear and Tear visable on Guides. Condition Scale (1-10):    8.5
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$ 29.00
Brand/Manufacturer:   Yamaha OEMMFG Part Number:   N/ACondition Description:    Good Used Part, NO Major Damage, Cracks, or Kinks. Chain and Guides came out of engine with bad pistion bearings. Mounting points are in good condition. Condition Scale (1-10):    8.5
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$ 17.76
Brand/Manufacturer:   Suzuki OEMMFG Part Number:   N/AColor:    OEMMaterial:    OEMDimensions:    OEMCondition Description:    Good Used Part, NO Major Damage, Cracks, or Breaks. Guides and mounting points are in good condition. NO Kinks or hard spots in chain. Condition Scale (1-10):    8.5
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